the iron lady

Pakistan's 'Iron Lady': 'Earlier I was afraid of 
people, now people are afraid of me'

The iron lady

I was always used to being isolated, I didn't go to school much, but because I was very good at studies, the school didn't bother me about my absence. I was shy from my childhood, I would start crying if someone showed my eyes. If someone threatened her in school or playground, she would get upset and cry for hours.

Nilufar Shirazi from Butgram, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa had a rough childhood and youth, but she is now remembered as the 'Iron Lady' of Pakistan as she recently broke 1160 bricks with her hands. A record has been set.

This is Nilofar's fourth world record to be certified by the International Breaking Federation. Before that, he set three more records, including head breaking, breaking bricks with the head, and breaking bricks with a special force balance with the help of a punch in such a way that an egg in a fist does not break.

But the story of how Nilufar, who shy away from people and gets scared quickly, reached here is quite interesting.

"I did not know how to compete with my people even in university"

Nilofar says that if someone teased or teased her, she felt it more than other children and became very sensitive over time.

Over time this sensitivity increased to such an extent that he developed depression.

Nilufar says that once a classmate complained to her teacher about something that she did not actually do.

'At that time I could not defend myself but it got so much on my mind that I would often wake up in the night and think that I should have answered that or said that and then I would cry a lot and His eyes would begin to meet.
I used to touch my eyes with my hands a lot while crying and probably because of that the retina (outer covering of the eye) got detached. After that, I realized that it is very important for a person to be strong.

Nilufar Shirazi

pakistan iron lady

pakistan iron lady

Talking about the most difficult time in her life, Nilofar said that even if she was right in certain matters or things, she would become silent because she could not answer.

She explains that she was unable to prove her truth and later this situation turned into depression and during this time she developed retinal detachment disorder.

When Abu took me to the doctor, he said that it was a threat of blindness. The doctor immediately ordered the operation and two weeks after the operation, when the stitches were opened, it was found that the operation had not been successful.

The doctor ordered another operation after a few days, but unfortunately the second operation also failed.

He said that when the operation failed twice, during that time he realized many things like life becomes very difficult when you cannot see and are completely dependent on others. Then I thought. I will not wait for anything anymore. I took courage and started teaching in a school for special children. I had my third operation with Job which luckily was successful. In two months, I underwent three operations and seven laser treatments due to which my body became quite de-shaped.
"I used to run to get my body back to normal and then once I saw a video of brick breaking, I was inspired by it." I thought if a girl did it, other women would be very impressed and I wanted to empower myself anyway.'

"Life had hurt me now so much that the feeling of pain was gone"

Nilufar says that when she first discussed it at home, her family, friends and co-workers had never even heard of the sport.
Everyone said how will you break bricks, you are a girl, your hand will be injured. There will be marks, but life had given so many marks that I was no longer afraid of them, but those who are my masters said that you can do it. He encouraged me a lot. "Earlier I was afraid of people, now people are afraid of me."

Nelofar says that now I often laugh when I go somewhere and people are afraid of me, although when I was in university, I used to pray every morning that I would have a good day, when the teacher would attend the class. If there were, I could not speak in attendance. If I speak, everyone will see me.

"After martial arts, people are afraid of me now. Although I am a very harmless person, people probably know that I have become strong and can fight them. So now they stay away from me, it should be the same, a person should not be oppressed but strong.

He said that in all the issues that happen to women, they are also at fault because they have got it in their minds that they cannot do anything. If women change their mind and think that they are not weak then nothing can be difficult.

"Being a woman, I have also defeated men, no man could break 1160 bricks, but I developed this courage and courage in myself."

People used to say that she is a topper, she wears a chador.

iron lady of pakistan quotesiron lady of pakistan quotes

Neelofar says that she was also among the toppers in the university. Many people used to say that this is a topper who wears a chador. This is very old fashioned. So I think that you are modern or old fashioned in mind, we cannot judge from someone's appearance. Modernization comes from your mind, not from what you wear.

"I have always done my world records in my traditional clothes because I am representing my beauty full country and my region."

Nilufar always wears a hijab and according to her, her hijab has never stood in the way of her success.

What kind of person is this who is teaching daughters?

Nilufar says that people used to taunt her father saying 'what kind of person is he who is teaching his daughters.'

Nilofar said that 'my father used to teach us. We are tribal people, so everyone used to say that what kind of man is he, he teaches sons, so I and my other sisters also thought that something should be done to tell people that teaching daughters is not a bad thing. . Today, when we sisters are successful, all those people appreciate our success.

My father is my role model. They have always stood side by side with us sisters and have contributed as much to our success as we did.

According to Nilufer, her father became very worried about what was happening to her, and he took me to a therapist because I did not share anything with my family.

Nilofar also said that some people in our society think that only those who are mentally ill go to therapists or psychologists, but this is completely wrong.

Suhrish Iftikhar, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Psychological Healthcare Center, says that a constant thinking pattern causes anxiety and depression in you.

Not meeting people, being afraid of people, having the courage not to confront them and having fear of people in the heart is actually called social anxiety because such people feel that if they say anything, they will be bullied in return. will Such people also have very low self-esteem, but such children should not be ignored.

Saharish Iftikhar further said that enduring everything makes a person prone to mental stress which causes depression and anxiety.

He said that people suffering from social anxiety should change their activities, exercise daily, participate in activities that bring them joy and keep themselves happy.

Parents can judge such children by different things. Children suffering from such problems stay at a distance from their parents and do not share anything about themselves. In this situation, parents should pay attention to their child.

According to Sahresh, such cases are present in almost every other house, but the parents are not able to realize them and that thing increasingly takes the form of depression in the children.