Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

Dear children! Pakistan has been blessed by Allah Almighty with immense beauty and beauty and we humans cannot even imagine the end of this beauty - there are many beautiful birds in Pakistan which are the cause of increasing the beauty of our country. Coasts, forests and mountainous regions are home to many beautiful and fascinating birds that are either rare or endangered around the world. Pakistan can also be called the home of these magical birds - today we are telling you about some of these colorful and beautiful birds. 

Shaheen Falcon.

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

Shaheen needs no introduction. It is a non-migratory bird found on the shores of our country Pakistan - it is a predatory bird and its claws are very strong and sharp, with the help of which it tears its prey into pieces. 

Crimson Sunbird

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This beautiful bird is found not only in Pakistan but also in India - this bird comes in various attractive colors and is found around flowers.

 Gray-Hooded Warbler

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This bird is found in the forests or adjacent areas of Pakistan - this bird is famous for its unique chirping. But it is very small and fast, which makes it difficult to catch.

 Red Billed Leiothrix

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This fascinating bird is often seen in cages and is a popular pet bird - many beautiful colors can be seen on this bird, while the birds can grow up to 6 inches in size. 

Red Collared Dove

Some beautiful birds 

This charming bird is found in Punjab, where it spends its summer, its striking colors make it somewhat difficult to capture in light, but it is in fact an amazing bird. Monal Pheasant

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This brilliantly colored handsome bird is found in the Himalayan regions of northern Pakistan - it is known for the brilliant indigo color on its body and hence it has a prominent status among all birds.

 Khalij Pheasant

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This bird also belongs to the previous bird family and is found in the Himalayan peaks in the north, but sadly, this beautiful bird is now near extinction and their numbers are very few. 

Coppersmith Barbet Smith

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This bird is found in large numbers in our country and its favorite food is fruits. Its ticking sound is somewhat annoying but there is no denying its beauty. 

Ruddy Shelduck.

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This duck belongs to Africa but in winter it migrates to Pakistan, where it also lays eggs. During migration, these birds can be seen in flocks. Long-tailed Minivet

Some beautiful birds of Pakistan

This bird is popular because of its long tail. Among these birds, the male bird is orange and black in color while the female is yellow and black in color.

Rare Birds in Pakistan:

This is what Salman Baloch of Karachi's Malir area has to say, who has topped the list of top bird spotters and watchers in Pakistan by eBird, an international bird watching organization.

eBird is an online database of bird observations that provides data on bird species, numbers and habits to scientists, researchers and naturalists.

This organization has been functioning since 2002

How does e-birding work?

According to Salman Baloch, people who do birding (interested in spotting birds) around the world are enrolled in it. These people observe any bird in the field, observe their behavior and note their species and numbers.

Beautiful birds in the mountains of Margalla

"If you are interested in birds, you know about many species of birds and those you don't know about, there are many forums on social media where there are experts who can help you in bird identification. Help or there are many books from which you can get information about this bird species.'

EBird has a list of birds for each region, you can download the list for your region which contains information about common birds as well as rare birds that may be found in or around the region. which also provides guidance.'

Importance of rare birds

 The common birds know that they are present in this area, but do not pay much attention to it. If I uploaded a photo of a normal crow, I don't need to upload it again and again.

You can also add a historical record i.e. you visited a place and took pictures of birds there and came back and uploaded it at a later.

Their types indicate that sometimes there is a large flock and we cannot count, so we write that we have seen or there is no large flock, if we saw one bird, we saw two. This app also has GPS location tracking which shows which tracks you are walking on.

Rare Bird Verification Process

A verification procedure is in place for the entry of rare birds in eBird. Salman Baloch says that his practice is that if he cannot tell about the bird with certainty, he enters it in the suspect list.

Salman Baloch says that he recorded a sociable lapwing bird in Vandar area of ​​Balochistan. According to him, this is a very rare and endangered bird and there are only a few thousand left, it is found from Turkey to Afghanistan. When they wanted his entry, he was asked many questions about it, but his entry was not accepted till now.

Remember that in 2018, this rare exotic bird was seen near Ahmedabad in Gujarat, India.

A wildlife photography trip

Salman Baloch is a Masters in International Public Relations from University of Karachi and currently works in a private company from 9 am to 5 pm.

He says about his hobby that he lives in Malir area of ​​Karachi. Being close to nature is a natural process due to living in a rural area. Spent my childhood among birds, saw a flock of parrots, the migration of storks, being a Baloch, I have access to Balochistan where no birder goes.

According to Salman, at first he used to do general photography and landscape photography, especially when the miller was turning green after the rains. He had a 250mm lens, uploaded these pictures on a website and Facebook, after which he was contacted by a young man named Zohaib who lived in an urban area of ​​Karachi.

He also had this hobby, he took some guidance after which in 2017 he picked up a 600mm lens and took up wildlife photography.

Salman Baloch spends Saturdays and Sundays in the field while taking care of his household affairs in the evenings.

There is no income in this hobby, only expenses are expenses. I ride my bike or ask a friend to drive me. In this way, their picnic is done and my passion is fulfilled, which gives me peace and happiness.'

Observation of 362 species of birds in Pakistan

Salman Baloch has observed a total of 362 species of birds in Pakistan, including many rare birds. According to him, it does not include Kashmir because this organization has kept Kashmir as a separate region.

According to eBird, Salman Baloch is in the first place among those who observe and identify birds from Pakistan, while European photographers are on the second and third positions. According to Salman Baloch, he was at the top in Sindh and Balochistan, but now he has come to the second and third position there because some other amateurs are also entering this field.

Salman Baloch said that he identified the oriental darter. This bird is found in South Asia and Southeast Asia with only these two birds having a photographic record.

We recorded this near Port Qasim. Apart from this, Northern Lapwing was recorded at Thado Dam site in Malir area.

Salman Baloch has also recorded Nightjar. This bird comes out only at sunset or sunset. Apart from this, he also recorded the Indian spotted duck at Thadu Dam Malir.

There was a herd of about 1000 pelicans which I captured on camera, as well as the lesser flamingo, which lives in India and is rarely seen in our country, at Port Qasim. Recorded on.'

He says that there are some trees in my house in Malir. It is now the month of October when the berry tree begins to blossom. A flycatcher stopped at my house and recorded it at home. This bird is found from India to the Philippines. If you have a green environment, rare birds can also come to your home.

Development projects and birds

Pakistan is located at a crossroads for migratory birds of cold countries. Its lakes and ponds attract these birds. These birds migrate from Siberia and through the Karakoram, Hindu Kush, and Solomon ranges to the delta below the Indus River known as the Indus Flyway.

Salman Baloch says that from the end of August, birds migrate from cold countries and these birds head towards Sindh and Balochistan, in addition to the Indian state of Gujarat.

Ever since the decision of the Supreme Court for Bahria Town (regularization), there has been so much disturbance that various types of exotic birds have been seen in the common area of ​​Kathor, Gadap or Kherthar National Park in Jamshoro and Karachi. Were or used to be found, many are no longer seen as their habitat has been affected.

"There were many places where I couldn't even go on a bike, there were rivers and streams, the game watcher used to stop because the birds would be disturbed, but nothing like that now."

Salman Baloch has also recorded exotic birds near Port Qasim and the beach. He says that since the migratory bird route is close to the sea, several rare birds have been recorded in the past at the two rivers and DHA Phase 8.

There is a Pakistani, Sarfraz, he lives in England, he does photography. After seeing the DHA Phase 8, he realized that it was a golden area for exotic birds.