justice and equality in islam
justice and equality in islam

justice and equality in islam

And any one will do injustice to a contract, or diminish his rights, or burden him beyond his power, or obtain something from him against his will; So on the Day of Judgment I myself will present a claim against him.”

                There are many such traditions in the books of hadith, including avoiding oppression and coercion, living a peaceful life, paying for the rights of others, avoiding sedition and spreading good deeds, participating in good deeds as much as possible, being a peacemaker on the face of the earth. Creating a pleasant and positive environment, being generous and tolerant towards common people (belonging to any religion or nation) and respecting the religious traditions and personalities of every religion and nation are strongly encouraged. Also, in this regard, the valuable "scholarly" samples of the Prophethood are apart from them.
A few examples of peace and harmony from Muslim history

                The Muslim Ummah gave full importance to these moral and legal instructions and the scientific models of the prophethood in every age and established its identity as a peaceful nation on the face of the earth. For this purpose, the Muslims adopted a generous attitude towards the non-Muslims, left no stone unturned in the concession of their rights and sentiments, and tried their best not to affect the process of establishing peace in any way, even if they had to suffer greatly for it. Why don't you have to make a big sacrifice? The result of these efforts of Muslims is that there is no trace of sectarian riots and bloody riots in the centuries-old history of Muslims. What can be a greater proof of the peace-loving Muslims?

                Some examples of different Islamic rule are presented:


                The most valuable covenant in Islamic history after the Prophethood; The era is Siddiqui. The early part of this period, though full of emergencies, is largely external. Internally there was no unrest in the country and there was an atmosphere of full tolerance and generosity especially towards the non-Muslims. Therefore, the countries that were conquered during the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq; The rights of the non-Muslim population were fully respected there. When Hira was conquered, an agreement was made with the Christians there that their monasteries and churches would not be demolished, their palaces in which they are fortified against enemies in times of need, their bells would not be demolished. And there will be no ban on ringing the clock, no ban on drawing the cross on the occasion of the festival, it was also in the same agreement that the dhimmis here will be allowed to wear all kinds of clothes except military clothes, provided that they try to resemble Muslims. Don't do it.

                During his caliphate, a non-Muslim woman's hand was cut off by a Muslim officer just for the crime of singing poetry in Muslim dialect. Hazrat Siddique Akbar warned this officer that if that woman was a Muslim, then a minor punishment should have been given and if she was a dhimmi, then when we got rid of her disbelief and shirk, it was something inferior to that.

Azad Farooqui

                The reign of Hazrat Farooq Azam has a unique position in the history of governance in the whole world. In terms of development and prosperity of the country, restoration of law and order, internal security, foreign policy, increase in production, inventions and discoveries and scientific research, this era is exemplary. After Hazrat Farooq, Chashmaflik never again saw such a beautiful era of government in this land, in which everyone felt safe and progressive, and complete tolerance was observed with non-Muslim minorities as well as Muslims.

                When Bait-ul-Maqdis was conquered during his reign, in the presence of Hazrat Umar Farooq himself, there was an agreement with the people there that: This is the decree that the slave of God Amirul Momineen gave to the people of Elijah; That their wealth, church, cross, the healthy and the sick and all their religions are for them. In such a way that their churches will not be inhabited and they will not be demolished, neither will they nor their premises be damaged, nor will their crosses and their property be diminished. They shall not be oppressed as to religion, whosoever of the Elias will take his life and goods and move with the Greeks, peace be upon them and their churches and crosses; Until he reaches his place of refuge, and what is in this text is the responsibility of God, the Messenger, the Caliphs and the Muslims, provided that they continue to pay the prescribed Jizya." (Al-Farooq, Shibli 2/137).

                Once the Christian king of Ghassan came to meet Hazrat Umar, and by chance an Arab pushed him unknowingly, so the king got scared and killed him. At the request of the Arab, Hazrat Umar gave the decision that he should kill the king. The king said: O. Commander of the Faithful! Where can a person touch the king? Hazrat Umar replied: This is the law of Islam. In terms of justice, according to Islam, the rich and the poor, the king and the subjects are all equal. (The peace system of Islam, page 49, Mufti Zafiruddin Sahib)
Similarly, once there was a horse race in Egypt, Hazrat Amr bin As (who was the conqueror of Egypt and its first Islamic governor) his son also participated in this race. In the competition, a Coptic horse started to overtake his horse, so he gave his horse a whip. When he stopped protesting, he whipped the Copt and said: I am a noble woman, why did you try to get ahead of me? Coptic presented the case of this incident to Hazrat Umar Farooq. He called both the governor and his son and said: Since when have you enslaved people? Now that all human beings are born free from their mother's womb, then he gave a whip in the hand of the Copt and ordered: "Turn on the head of this Sharifzada as he did on your head." (Khalifa Arbaa) P2 Maulana Ali Mian Nadvi)

                It is an incident during the caliphate of Hazrat Umar Farooq that when the Muslims occupied a large part of Syria, the people of Yes persuaded Herakle, the ruler of Antioch, to march towards Homs with a great army, where Hazrat Abu Ubaidah and his companions There were tents with When Hazrat Abu Ubaidah got the news of Jarrar's army of Ghanim, he held a council meeting in which the opinion was decided to evacuate Homs and make Damascus a front; But before leaving Homs, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah issued an order that he no longer had the power to protect its inhabitants from the enemies. Therefore, what was taken from them in the name of jizya or tribute should be returned to them; Because this contribution is collected for security. So the people of Homs were given their full money back. The people of Homs were greatly affected by the return of this money and said: We will fight shoulder to shoulder with the army of the Muslims until the end. Today, if the Romans were in your place, they would not have returned anything, but they would have looted our remaining things as well."
When Alexandria was conquered in 21H, there was a picture of Jesus. Image is an undesirable thing in Islam. Accordingly, a Muslim soldier shot out one of the eyes of the image of Jesus with his arrow. The Christians were hurt by this, because of which the Christians again demanded a lawsuit from Hazrat Umar and Ibn As: that a picture of Hazrat Muhammad (…) should be made and given to them; So that they also put out one of their eyes? Hazrat Amr replied: What is the need for a picture? We the people exist; Gouge out the eyes of whoever you want!! Then he put his dagger in the hands of a Christian and opened his eyes. Hearing this, he grabbed the dagger from the hand of the Christian and he gave up his claim saying: "It is cruel and unworthy to take revenge on a nation that is so brave, generous, just and generous." (Sermon of Shibli :73,74)

Ottoman era

                Hazrat Usman Ghani's oath was also ideal in terms of restoration of peace and order, tolerance with different nations, internal security and development and prosperity. You used to send official delegations to keep abreast of the internal situation of various countries. Arriving at the pulpit on Friday, people would ask for the news of the country and make a general announcement that: If anyone has a complaint against a government official, he should come and explain it on the occasion of Hajj. On this occasion all the officers were called immediately; So that complaints can be investigated.” (Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal p. 73)

                During your time, the Christians of Najran had some complaints from some Muslims, so you immediately addressed them. He wrote a special letter to the ruler of Najran, Waleed bin Utbah, and did not allow the situation of peace and order to deteriorate. (Kitab al-Kharaj Labi Yusuf, p. 276)

The reign of Hazrat Ali

                Hazrat Ali's tenure is apparently full of severe chaos and disturbances and Hazrat Ali could not get any time due to severe disturbances, but despite this, there is no room to put a finger on any part of the security of the non-Muslim minorities, as well as the neutral classes. During your tenure, when you received some complaints about the harshness of a governor, Amro bin Muslim, you immediately paid attention to its rectification.

                In the same way, a canal for non-Muslim irrigation was blocked. Hazrat Ali wrote to the governor of the place, Al-Bahi Bin Ka'b, saying: It is the duty of the Muslims to settle this canal. Kind of my age! I like it more settled. (History of Islam, vol.1, p.368 Shah Moinuddin)

                This was the covenant of the good caliphs, which is difficult to find a better example of Islamic governance; But even in the later periods, the Muslim rulers kept this tradition of tolerance and tolerance towards the non-Muslims and this chain of peace system and established thousands of examples of it in the history of governance.